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Zhu Jindan

Green Axis

Urban Design

Supervisor - Ms. Asma Khawatmi, Mr. Jason Ang Kwang Lin, Mr. Oscar Carracedo

The Chennai city locates in Tamil Nadu, South India. The land forms follow a heterogeneous pattern consisting of low hills and depressions. Urban areas are continuously expanding and the unrestrained ingress of people into Chennai adds layers of complexities to already overwhelmed and saturated cities. The 2015 Chennai floods have brought into light some fundamental urban planning flaws in our system.

Our group has designed a new methodology framework for urban design. By introducing green axis into Chennai, it gives a new order to the city on a planning scale, and also guides the local to continue the urban development in harmony with Nature.



NUS Masters of Architecture

Graduation Show 2019

27 may - 2 jun

suntec city

north atrium, L1


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