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Lin Zhengyu Leo

Reframing People's Park; A Search for Relevance and Significance

Conservation and Heritage

Supervisor - Mr. Ho Weng Hin

People's Park Complex is chosen as a vessel for this design thesis to explore an alternative development model for our post- independence modernist icons which have in recent years become increasingly vulnerable to the possibility of demolition and redevelopment by virtue of an en bloc sale. This thesis argues for the conservation of these symbolic structure and landmarks as significant built, urban artefacts of our young nation. As we celebrate our bicentennial this year, it is only logical for us to also appreciate our more recent (but no less significant) past.

SITE TIMELINE: From Swamp to civic space.


The project adopts a partial en bloc redevelopment premise, noting the dichotomy in stance for a potential collective sale for the commercial podium and residential tower. The architectural design intervention proposed was conceived in attempt to go beyond a mere A&A of the building, but instead, offer ideas in creating a programmatic mix and spatial experience that can reinforce the importance andcultural significance of People’s Park Complex and other landmark modernistbuildings of that era.



The new intervention extends and projects the existing cityroom up and outwards. New public and event spaces sought to connect and relate the nucleus of the building, either visually or physically. The suspended green columns featured in the atrium space, draws the line of sight of the user upwards to discover the new public space above the podium. The new programs introduced does not replace existingestablishments at People’s Park Complex, but instead hope to catalyse the formationof a new public image of the building and allow for locals and younger people to visitand form meaningful experiences in the new People’s Park Complex.


The new garden bridge connects the proposed green roofscape with the currently,relatively tucked away and hidden Pearl’s Hill Park. It draws reference to thehistorical People’s Park at the foot of Pearl’s Hill, launched by the colonialgovernment back in 1886. Additionally, this new urban connection serves as a thoroughfare for the residential cluster north-west of People’s Park Complex,drawing in greater footfall for the commercial podium.

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NUS Masters of Architecture

Graduation Show 2019

27 may - 2 jun

suntec city

north atrium, L1


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