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Insyirah Bte Imran

A Fitness Conditioning Workplace

Urban Commons and Wellness

Supervisor - Dr. Tan Beng Kiang

“If you spend your time within a narrow range of motion, you become the position that you frequent the most” ~ Katy Bowman, Author of Move Your DNA

We are increasingly designing environments and technologies that are making people’s lives easier but consequently we are eliminating the need for us to move. Our over-reliance on comfort has made us lose our dexterity and ability to withstand even the slightest discomforts today. This thesis project therefore strives to challenge the current culture of convenience and comfort by exploring the potential of architectural design to condition our body movements in maximising our full physical potential.


NUS Masters of Architecture

Graduation Show 2019

27 may - 2 jun

suntec city

north atrium, L1


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