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Chap Felice

The Making of a Healing Factory

Performative Design

Supervisor - Dr. Nirmal Kishnani

How can we move on from designing buildings that are MERELY buildings to those that can instead promote healthy living as a society? Singapore’s Kaki Bukit Industrial Area is selected to be designed for migrant workers as its majority user group; the project manifests itself in unit, block and urban scales that includes dormitories, shopping centers, car workshops and offices while tapping into a existing HDB car park and recreation center. Architectural gestures include the reinvention of the courtyard typology and the creation of a gradient of private, in-between and public spaces that serves as prospective, refuge and social gathering spaces. At the end, healing is about affordance - how can concepts of surplus and varieties present in a site be demonstrated itself effectively in architecture?

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NUS Masters of Architecture

Graduation Show 2019

27 may - 2 jun

suntec city

north atrium, L1


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